Welcome from Mayor and City Manager
Welcome to Village Voices!
We Need Your Opinions to Shape Our Future
Greenwood Village is an amazing place! Our high quality neighborhoods, schools, business environment, parks, leisure activities, city services, and much more are the result of many people with a strong sense of commitment to protect and improve the quality of life of this community. It is because of an active citizenry that makes our Village what it is today.
We value citizen participation and strongly encourage you to stay involved and voice your opinions on issues and projects that you care about in Greenwood Village. You might think that you don’t have anything worthwhile to contribute. Perhaps you are a little skeptical and think that your comments won’t be considered. Being involved and providing your input in the decision-making process provides a great opportunity for you to change something or influence public decisions on what needs to be done, and overall, help us establish priorities.
In an effort to broaden opportunities for citizens to get involved, we have created Village Voices. This online platform exists to reach and engage citizens who prefer to interact with the Village online at their own convenience versus attending public or neighborhood meetings. The Greenwood Village City Council wants to make the best decisions for the community; accordingly, it’s important that we get a balanced understanding of the community’s views and perspectives. The more feedback gathered in the decision-making process, the more likely the final product will meet the most needs and desires of the Village citizenry.
It’s time to tell us how you feel about Greenwood Village and any of the featured projects posted on this site. Here’s how you can give us your feedback:
- Click on the “Register” button in the top right of any page;
- Choose a username and password;
- Complete a few questions about you;
- You will receive an email to validate your email address;
- Return to the website and click the "Sign In" button
In order to interact and complete surveys, leave ideas, use the interactive maps, and more, you must register with an email address and password. If you prefer not to register, this site is fully viewable and allows you to view information on projects and review comments posted by users. You can also register with a username of your choice if you prefer to remain anonymous.
Village Voices is one way you can provide us with your opinions. In addition, we always welcome and encourage your phone calls and emails to City Council and staff, attendance at any public meetings, and comments on our social media. Whichever method you prefer to interact with the Village, please continue to do so as often as possible as your involvement will help the citizens shape the future of Greenwood Village.
For more information or questions about Village Voices, please email villagevoices@greenwoodvillage.com or call our Communications Office at 303-486-5749. Questions regarding a specific project currently posted on this site, please contact the designated project manager that is listed for each project.
Mayor George Lantz
City Manager John Jackson
What Questions Do You Have For Us?
At Greenwood Village, we value transparency and the Mayor, City Council, and City Manager remain committed to taking steps toward our goal of an open government process.
How can we help you?