Coyotes in Greenwood Village

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Consultation has concluded

Coyote sightings are inevitable in Greenwood Village because of its abundance of open space, natural parks, running trails, and flowing drainageways that provide three essential resources that coyotes need to survive: food, water and shelter. Space is plentiful in the Village for coyotes to live. Coyotes can be active at any time of day, but are typically active at dawn, dusk, or overnight. As coyotes adapt to living in rural/urban areas like Greenwood Village, they do become accustomed to human presence. As they lose their fear of people, coyotes will become bolder in approaching people and may put themselves in situations they would normally avoid.

Citizens are invited to ask questions and provide input on their experiences with coyotes in Greenwood Village here.

To report any coyote sightings or interactions, please call the Police Department at 303-773-2525. The Police Department actively keeps a record of coyote activity in the Village to assist in tracking the coyote population. Call 9-1-1 immediately to report aggressive coyotes.

Coyote sightings are inevitable in Greenwood Village because of its abundance of open space, natural parks, running trails, and flowing drainageways that provide three essential resources that coyotes need to survive: food, water and shelter. Space is plentiful in the Village for coyotes to live. Coyotes can be active at any time of day, but are typically active at dawn, dusk, or overnight. As coyotes adapt to living in rural/urban areas like Greenwood Village, they do become accustomed to human presence. As they lose their fear of people, coyotes will become bolder in approaching people and may put themselves in situations they would normally avoid.

Citizens are invited to ask questions and provide input on their experiences with coyotes in Greenwood Village here.

To report any coyote sightings or interactions, please call the Police Department at 303-773-2525. The Police Department actively keeps a record of coyote activity in the Village to assist in tracking the coyote population. Call 9-1-1 immediately to report aggressive coyotes.

Consultation has concluded

Do you have questions or need more information about coyotes in the Village? Please let us know. 

To report any coyote sightings or interactions, please call the Police Department at 303-773-2525.  The Police Department actively keeps a record of coyote activity in the Village to assist in tracking the coyote population.  Call 9-1-1 immediately to report aggressive coyotes. 

  • Share Just want to say I’ve never had a problem with coyotes in GV and do not think anything needs to be done differently regarding the policies of GV. I don’t have any pets and walk the Orchard Hills Trail, Tommy Davis Park, Silo Park and Sundance Hills where I live. on Facebook Share Just want to say I’ve never had a problem with coyotes in GV and do not think anything needs to be done differently regarding the policies of GV. I don’t have any pets and walk the Orchard Hills Trail, Tommy Davis Park, Silo Park and Sundance Hills where I live. on Twitter Share Just want to say I’ve never had a problem with coyotes in GV and do not think anything needs to be done differently regarding the policies of GV. I don’t have any pets and walk the Orchard Hills Trail, Tommy Davis Park, Silo Park and Sundance Hills where I live. on Linkedin Email Just want to say I’ve never had a problem with coyotes in GV and do not think anything needs to be done differently regarding the policies of GV. I don’t have any pets and walk the Orchard Hills Trail, Tommy Davis Park, Silo Park and Sundance Hills where I live. link

    Just want to say I’ve never had a problem with coyotes in GV and do not think anything needs to be done differently regarding the policies of GV. I don’t have any pets and walk the Orchard Hills Trail, Tommy Davis Park, Silo Park and Sundance Hills where I live.

    JoyceT asked about 6 years ago

    Thank you so much for your input and perspective.  The Police Department believes our Coyote Management Policy is reasonable and balances both people and wildlife interests.